Time based avant-garde short film by Jackie Neale
Original Score by Jackie Neale
Intentionally low fidelity, #SubwaySeries an ongoing project of the quotidian of the New York City subway system and its riders. Having begun the project in 2012, Jackie Neale started the project as an experimental time capsule of technology utilizing the provided image and video processing of Instagram that compressed and converted and modified these artworks uniforming but unexpectedly. Part of the ethos of the project was to accept the results of the processing of Instagram as the software app evolved from a very rigid form to a more flexible platform for editing artworks.
SubwaySeries consists of over 800+ photographs taken over the course of 2012–2019 and break out into 6 archived sections. #SubwaySeries has be exhibited nationally in the Northeast, South, and West coast. #SubwaySeries\’ first iteration was published into book form exactly to the specifications Instagram allowed in 2012–2013, which was not flexible and would compress image files several times to accommodate server space at the time. Times have changed and Instagram accommodates many different formats and sizes now (as of 2020)
For further information please see: https://www.jackiephoto.com/subway-series/