Photographs by Melanie King
September 1–October 10, 2021
Opening Reception: September 11, 2021 5pm EST
Caffenol film processing Workshop: September 25, 2021 1:00pm EST – Online
Mint tea film processing Workshop: October 3, 2021 1:00pm EST – Online
Film processed in plant based developers. 16 hand-printed photographs of astronomical land and sky processed in caffenol-c developer or cyanotype and toned with green teas.
Melanie King’s practices investigate exponentially more eco-friendly photographic processes.
Melanie is a co-founder of the London Alternative Photo Collective, and will be conducting a Caffenol Workshop on Saturday, September 25, 1pm EST online and a Mint Tea film processing online workshop on Sunday, October 3, 2021, 1pm EST.