Thank you for your donations. We are putting a hold on donations as we look into a new space for the darkroom and galleries as of 1/12/2023
When we are open and accepting, we will accept darkroom donations of almost all working equipment. We believe our community will learn and flourish with every donation. All good vibes and equipment welcome!
Please email with your donation list. THANK YOU!
- Darkroom sink – long enough for 3 trays
- Darkroom Enlargers – Beseler, Omega, Durst – capability to print up to 4×5, 8×10
- Darkroom Trays 11×14, 16×20
- Film processing sink
- Film processing canisters – metal
- Film Reels – plastic and metal
- Tongs
- Timers
- Archival Print washer
- Print dryer
- Print drying racks
- Dry mount heat press
- Flat files
- Mixing Beakers
- Metal Cabinets